A Great North Christmas_peliplat
A Great North Christmas_peliplat
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A Great North Christmas (2021)

0 (DE) | English | 83 min
Directed by: James Douglas

Caroline North is one of the LA's entertainment power-attorneys. She is beautiful, smart and aggressive type-A woman in her 30s. She is also a very lonely workaholic. Her best friends, Jackie and Samantha, decided to end Caroline's long streak of working weekends and lonely holidays by booking a surprise Christmas vacation for her in Prince George, Canada. Small town full of winter attractions where Caroline can ski, drive snowmobile, ride dog sleds and, maybe, just maybe, meet someone she would enjoy spending Christmas with. Sometimes, by Christmas magic or just like that, your best friends' good wishes come true.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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