Stooping to Stand: Stories of the African American Staff of the Dooley Mansion_peliplat
Stooping to Stand: Stories of the African American Staff of the Dooley Mansion_peliplat

Stooping to Stand: Stories of the African American Staff of the Dooley Mansion (2021)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Morgan Mccoy

"Stooping to Stand..." weaves together the stirring true stories of the African American Staff who worked for the Dooleys at Maymont, 1893-1925. The living history actors tell heartfelt first-person stories of how they overcame hardships of disrespect, poor wages, and long hours away from their family, to maintain a hope that future generations will be uplifted by their sacrifices.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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