Haut an Haut: Eine kurze Kulturgeschichte der Berührung_peliplat
Haut an Haut: Eine kurze Kulturgeschichte der Berührung_peliplat

Haut an Haut: Eine kurze Kulturgeschichte der Berührung (2021)

None | Germany | German | 53 min
Directed by: Annebeth Jacobsen

Contact through touch, a guarantee of a primordial bond with the other, can also be experienced as a painful intrusion into intimacy. The first sense developed by the embryo, touch can cause, in those who are deprived of it, a psychic, social but also physical atrophy. In the history of humanity, the way people touch each other and what art says about it reveal the conception of life and relationships transmitted by a society. From the kiss of peace to the physical distancing imposed today by the pandemic, this historical and cultural exploration of touch through the prism of art or philosophy highlights its specificity and vitality.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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