The Border of Utopia_peliplat
The Border of Utopia_peliplat

The Border of Utopia (2020)

None | Canada | English | 97 min
Directed by: Wesley Rickert

An absurdist adaptation of William Shakespeares' "As You Like It", This 97 minute tour of Utopia begins with Soldier #2 patrolling the border of Utopia, who sees the ghosts of past stages and stage performers, tranquil natural beauty, sleepy happy cows, prancing kick boxers from Paris, menacing mannequin body doubles and a stuffed bird of Paradise on a string. This no-place vision continues with the sudden appearance of the deity Instant Imagination, seen as a barefoot jive-jazz street talking new-age sage hipster, who carries four Styrofoam heads around, who sees everything that is not seen, meets his wife Rosalind in the forest, imagines what is not yet imagined and spends his afternoons gazing into painted landscapes. Suitcase Jack arrives to monologue with the sleeping Duke of Summer. Marie Of Wozzeck sings a song. Phoebe Of The Sharks wanders into the forest to pick flowers and torment the Duke Of Summer. Soldier #1 falls in love with Phoebe Of The Sharks. Athena of Chaos questions the validity of Utopia. Soldier #2 interprets a monologue from "As You Like It" and ends the film for the viewer. But can these characters find lasting peace and poetry in Utopia?

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