Essa é minha vez_peliplat
Essa é minha vez_peliplat

Essa é minha vez (2015)

None | Brazil | Portuguese |
Directed by: Davi Boarato

The mini-documentary is the result of the actions of the "This is My Moment" project, an initiative of Plan International Brasil together with global partnerships, which began in 2015, aiming at greater involvement and visibility of the role of girls in the context of the Goals of the Sustainable Development signed at the UN General Assembly at the end of the year. The actions took place simultaneously in three countries besides Brazil: the Philippines, Kenya and Pakistan. "The film aims to inspire other girls to be protagonists of their own lives, in the search for a better world, in the fight for rights and opportunities. Our role is to listen and provide new spaces for young people, so that they are not in the place of listeners to the thinking process ", says Ana Nery, technical assistant of the "This is my moment" Project.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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