A Little Dream_peliplat
A Little Dream_peliplat

A Little Dream (2021)

None | USA | English | 8 min
Directed by: Fernando Ramirez

Ava Alonso is a first generation Afro-Latina. She has nearly disowned her family over the years as she has had lifelong dreams of becoming a musician. This was something her family disapproved of. After living with her boyfriend, Fernando, for six months, she realizes he has started to act exactly like her family; disapproving, unsupportive and telling Ava that she is throwing away her chance at carrying on the family legacy. Ava must decide for herself the direction in which she wants her life to go, even if this means losing the dead weight of her family's "dreams" for her.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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