
Abhirami (2024)

U (IN) | India | Malayalam | 107 min
Directed by: Mushthaque Rahman Kariyaden

'Abhirami' is a story about a young lady who lives in Dubai working as a nurse. She is very active on social media platforms. She becomes viral after a post on her social media account where she films a video with a famous scientist who was living a secluded life for a while. After the incident, a PR company hires her for a year and she enjoys her sudden celebrity status. She is invited to various events, interviews etc. She becomes a star overnight. Slowly she finds out that she has lost her freedom and is trapped in the grapple of the company. She cannot decide her own affairs without the consent of the company. She suffers huge losses personally too. Her would-be husband becomes distant from her. She is also threatened by the company to pay an enormous amount as compensation if she breaches her contract. She is plunged into depression. She resolves to make a comeback with the help of the same person who featured with her in the viral post. She finally breaks the chain and emerges out of the virtual world to the real world.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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