
Domani (2022)

None | USA | English | 15 min
Directed by: Eilon Ben-Nissan

A Fantasy/Drama about Leon, a man who, with out knowing, creates an imaginary world in his subconscious. There, Leon meets parts of himself he had never discovered before. On his journey of self discovery Leon comes to find himself at an intersection between his reality and his blissful imagination. When Leon goes to sleep in his reality he wakes up in his imagination and when he goes to sleep in his imagination he wakes up in his reality. Each new day is a different one and it's up to Leon to decide which world is more worth living in. This story is about Leon learning to appreciate his life for what it is rather than chasing an idea that he would prefer it to be. In today's world it is so easy to want more and to be constantly looking for the next best thing. This chase, so many times takes us out of the moment and leads to disappointment and unhappiness. Through Leon's internal journey of growth, he learns love himself and what he already has. This film will show my interpretation of what I think the subconscious process of self discovery looks like.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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