Play trailer

Besieged (2022)

None | Serbia | Serbian | 90 min
Directed by: Miloslav Samardzic

Serbia, autumn 1942. Numerous SS units are searching the area in search of Chetniks. Chetniks apply guerrilla tactics: They break up into smaller formations and go deeper into the mountains. However, with the help of one traitor, a detachment of 200 SS men finds out where Lieutenant Nikola Kalabic, the commander of the Mountain Royal Guard, is, along with three other Chetniks. The chase starts and the Chetniks are surrounded. Kalabic's Chetnik who accompanied the traitor runs in an attempt to bring reinforcements, and another Chetnik follows the Germans, trying to help Kalabic. Nedic's Special Police are taking part of Kalabic's family to the camp, while his 12-year-old son, as well as his wife, are fleeing. The Germans call on Kalabic to surrender, promising military treatment in captivity, but he knows that his father, Lieutenant Colonel Milan Kalabic, was recently cruelly tortured and killed. Will Kalabic's reinforcements arrive on time? Is there a way out when 200 soldiers surround the four of them? How to maintain sobriety in such a situation?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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