Forbidden Love in the South: Paulie_peliplat
Forbidden Love in the South: Paulie_peliplat

Forbidden Love in the South: Paulie

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Marty Thomas
This title has not premiered yet

Paulie is a southern romance from the Romance Series Forbidden Love In The South Series Written by Benjamin Walker, that takes place in the mid 1800's right before the civil war. Paulie is a mulatto slave. Her white Papa Ben Stokes, who was deeply and madly in love with her mulatto slave mother Sulie, loved Paulie. His estranged older daughter Geneva despised Paulie for what she was a mulatto. To protect Paulie her Papa sent her to live with the Donovan's on their Plantation in Louisiana. She came to love her new masters for they raised her as a white child and as one of their own. The Donovan's children Tom and Ramona grew a bond with Paulie and allowed her to listen to their classes so she could learn to read and write. It was Illegal for slaves at that time to learn. Paulie grew to be a young woman she and Tom fell deeply in love. But they both knew that the love they shared was forbidden. So they kept it secret, and that of the child they bore named Neely. Now Paulie finds herself going through more life events and hard decisions she has to make. Even though she can pass as a white southern woman, she knows she's a slave and that's what holds her back. She learns and finds new romance, deceit and betrayal along her journey living in the south.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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