Alligator on the Zipper_peliplat
Alligator on the Zipper_peliplat

Alligator on the Zipper (2007)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Ivo Stainoff, Jessica Chornesky

Traditionally trucking has been viewed as a male dominated industry, but in recent years, women have become a growing presence in the trucking world. Attracted to the freedom of the road, the potential of making a good living and the autonomy of the trucking lifestyle, more and more women are becoming drivers and finding that they love their work. The stories of 7 women give us a candid look into the rarely viewed lifestyle of women truckers. The open highways of America are where these independent women reinvent and transform themselves and reach for their dreams.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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