Happy Birthday, Marsha!_peliplat
Happy Birthday, Marsha!_peliplat

Happy Birthday, Marsha! (2017)

None | USA | English | 14 min
Directed by: Reina Gossett, Sasha Wortzel

When Marsha and Sylvia, self-proclaimed "street queens" - homeless, Black & Latina trans women - ignite the Stonewall Rebellion, they change LGBT politics forever. It's a hot summer day in June, 1969. Marsha throws herself a birthday party and dreams of performing at a club in town, but no one shows up. Sylvia, Marsha's best friend, distraught from an unsuccessful introduction between her lover and her family, gets so stoned she forgets about the party. After encountering a series of micro-aggressions from street harassment to tense encounters with the police that day, Marsha and Sylvia eventually meet at the Stonewall Inn to finally celebrate Marsha's birth. When the police arrive to raid the bar, Marsha and Sylvia are the first to fight back. Happy Birthday, Marsha! is the story of two brave best friends and the everyday decisions they made that changed the course of history.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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