Thanatos, Drunk_peliplat
Thanatos, Drunk_peliplat
Play trailer

Thanatos, Drunk (2015)

III (HK) | Taiwan | Mandarin, Min Nan | 107 min
Directed by: Tso-chi Chang

They live in an old house on the fringe of Taipei City: Rat and his elder gay brother Shanghe. Two brothers look for jobs to survive while search for themselves and long for a foothold in life. The younger works at market where he meets a mute woman who gets up to all sorts of craziness. The elder is attracted to a nightclub dancer and finds himself drawn into shifty business. With the rhythm of their wanderings, the film observes its protagonists: lives in limbo, without fixed coordinates, and evolves into panorama of a society that does not appear to welcome its next generation.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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