A Whisper in the Dark 2_peliplat
A Whisper in the Dark 2_peliplat

A Whisper in the Dark 2 (2017)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 76 min
Directed by: James Ian Mair

Det. Michael Rivers is missing; farmer Ted Granger (Virgil Franklin) is dead; Rebecca Watson (Tara Bixler) has made it home, but her friend Alice (Autumn Reed) has been taken. Now, Det. Nick Fisher (Doug Wasnidge), the only surviving officer from the police station killing, must enlist the help of veteran police officer John Donovan (C.A. McGregor) and kindly local physician Edward Lundberg (Dan Turpen) to locate Alice and devise a way of sending the spirit of "the Engineer" back to the underworld.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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