El Culebro: La historia de mi papá_peliplat
El Culebro: La historia de mi papá_peliplat

El Culebro: La historia de mi papá (2017)

None | Colombia | Spanish | 90 min
Directed by: Nicolás Casanova

Hernando Casanova 'El Culebro Casanova' won the heart of millions of Colombian people, due to his performances in Tv Shows like Yo y Tú (1956), Don Chinche (1982) and El Show de Jimmy (1971). However, that was the face known by everyone, completely ignoring his main role: To be a father. Thirteen years after his death, his younger son, Nicolás Casanova, tells his father's story, exploring his career as an actor in parallel with his family life.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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