Octia of the Pink Ocean_peliplat
Octia of the Pink Ocean_peliplat

Octia of the Pink Ocean (2014)

None | USA | English | 80 min
Directed by: Bonnie Cullum

'Who am I? Where has my memory gone?' Karnika, Insect-Angel of GoldSun Sex and Goddess of the Pink Ocean, has been resurrected with no memory of her past. Alone in what appears to be a perfect island paradise, she soon uncovers a terrible plot to destroy the ocean world and all of its inhabitants. Alongside her lover Octia, Karnika battles Mermecho, an evil Shark/Machine hybrid determined to cover the world with The Blackening. Rediscovering her power along the way, both Karnika and Octia fall prey to Mermecho's devious traps. But if a Goddess can't save the world, who can?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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