A Christmas Melody_peliplat
A Christmas Melody_peliplat
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A Christmas Melody (2015)

TV-G (US) | USA | English | 83 min
Directed by: Mariah Carey

Cloth designer Kristin Parson/Lacey Chabert is not having the success in LA, she dreamed of when graduating high school. She packs her and her daughter's things in the car and take a two day ride north east to the small town, she grew up in. Her daughter Emily, 9, is not at all happy about moving nor is Kristin. Her aunt Sarah, who runs a diner, helps Kristin get settled. Emily gets her mom's old room. Kristin manages to get Emily a late audition for the school's Christmas show, in part because the single music teacher, Danny Collier, had a crush on Kristin back in high school. He helps Emily with her singing and writing her own song for the school show etc. Emily stops missing LA as does Kristin.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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