The World It Is_peliplat
The World It Is_peliplat

The World It Is (2015)

PG13 (SG) | India | Hindi | 120 min
Directed by: Biswajeet Bora, Dhanashree Mehta

The film is set in Mumbai. It depicts the relationship between a husband and wife, the ever growing human detachment with nature and people's attitude towards the physiology of a child's growth which is portrayed in a lighthearted yet satirical fashion.Rajib, works for a multinational company and is far apart in terms of his nature from his wife, Ananya, who is a receptionist at a private firm. On the other hand, Kuhi, their three year old daughter, and Pakhi, the domestic help of the house, share a relationship based on innocence and pure emotions. Pakhi takes good care of Kuhi when Rajib and Ananya are away at work during the day.The whole family plans a vacation to their hometown in Assam. There, Kuhi gets to know Nalia Kai, the helper of the house, who introduces her to a new world record a world of trees, birds, greenery, paddy fields and the environment at large. There she realizes the difference between the concrete world of Mumbai and the natural environment of her father's hometown. She also fears that one day the people of Mumbai would not have air to breathe, as she learns that we get oxygen from trees. This compels her to question the scarcity of trees in Mumbai.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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