
Pyro (2015)

None | USA | English | 16 min
Directed by: Luka Pascalicchio

Keira, 27, is riding buses all over the country, looking for the pyromaniac who burnt her home and killed her brother. She's carrying a knife and wants revenge. She finds someone who lives in a library and who's obviously burning books regularly: Evan, 27. She seduces him by pretending to share the same disorder as his. When he takes her to his apartment, at the back of the library, she sees that his only friend is a bird, Pavlov, and that he's been trying to figure out pyromania himself; his answer is that there are no answers. He then takes her to a forest, where he wants to make a big fire. She confronts him with her house, and with her knife. The dead brother is news to him; he thought the house was empty. Seeing that the only chance he had at a romance is gone, and that he's a murderer, Evan soaks himself with gasoline in front of Keira. She tries to light him on fire, but she can't. Evan finally forces her to admit that she was partly responsible for her brother's death: after a stupid fight over kid's stuff, she didn't tell the firemen that he was stuck in the cellar. Evan and Keira end up together, and Pavlov flies away.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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