Zen Garden_peliplat
Zen Garden_peliplat

Zen Garden (2015)

None | USA | English | 110 min
Directed by: Justin Rigby

The essence of the Zen Garden installation concept, commissioned by Zazen Bear to be displayed prominently in their global flagship store in New York City, is the Zen ideal of impermanence. The piece features world-renowned artist Jim Denevan raking patterns into a sand garden that are inspired both by the designs of traditional Japanese Zen gardens as well as the aesthetics of the Zazen Bear brand. Each pattern is only allowed to exist for a short time before it is routinely swept away to create a clean space for the next design. The entire process lasts approximately 2 hours, but the piece is displayed in a seamless loop that runs throughout the day within the store thus maintaining a constant state of change.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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