Busted & Disgusted_peliplat
Busted & Disgusted_peliplat

Busted & Disgusted (2013)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Earlina D. Gilford

A Story of Modern Christians Families that life's could change when we blame God when tragedy strikes' could we hold on to our faith and allow God to fix it? Or do we let go of all hope? With this family a well known prosecutor attorney has her life turns upside down through the death a child, that comes divided of a strong hold of a secret, could money and riches be the solution of the pain we are dealt, If only we hear the cries within of the real voice of God telling us warning before destruction, Would the name of the game lead one of them to hell? Or would the answer be I know God hears a sinner prayers' In this compelling life changing exciting story you will find out how important it is to forgive to live.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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