All about the Ring_peliplat
All about the Ring_peliplat

All about the Ring (2014)

None | USA | English | 91 min
Directed by: Elliott V. Porter, Seku Amoja

Charles, with the help of his womanizing friend Stewart, tests his unsuspecting girlfriend, Latice. During a party with family and friends Charles proposes marriage and offers her an engagement ring sans the diamond. This gesture kicks off the age old debate of love or money, with both sides being divided on the issue and each set of friends having their say. With her negative mother and friends up in arms, the usually level-headed Latice seeks solace in the wisdom of her grandmother Filled with tons of jokes and ridiculous situations, with All About the Ring, prepare for a life lesson that will keep you laughing and wondering, is it all about the ring or love?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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