Dancing the Red Shoes_peliplat
Dancing the Red Shoes_peliplat

Dancing the Red Shoes

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This title has not premiered yet

CAMILLE (35) the pastor's wife is burned-out by her duties at a Lutheran parish under the thumb of her fire and brimstone husband PETER. When she is attacked by a swarm of bees, Peter tries to exercise the evil forces he believes responsible. Camille enters a shoe repair shop on an errand, she is amazed to see her old red flamenco shoes on display. DEVIN and LUCY, her teenage children, learn that dad made her give-up dancing for God. She buys her old shoes and her kids' silence. On the way out, Camille runs into LOLA, her former gypsy dance teacher, who lures her back to dancing again. Camille secretly trains with Lola and on the parish teen's Confirmation day, Camille arrives late wearing her red flamenco shoes. The congregation prays for the Holy Ghost, but it is the ghost of MILAGROS, Camille's Spanish gypsy grandmother that arrives casting a spell and Peter finds himself battling the devil who he believes is responsible for the paranormal disturbance. After mass, BRADLEY, a homeless veteran acclaims Camille's dancing shoes and Peter freaks out recognizing them. Peter's loss of control has him reeling. Even his church seems to be changing, as liberal ideas start undermining his conservative domain. When Camille resists his sexual advances on account that it is her fertile time and she doesn't want to have another child, he forces the matter. Through Lola, Camille and her old dance frenemy NATALIA, audition for an international flamenco stage/film production. In spite of being sabotaged, Camille makes the cut. Peter demands that she throw the cursed shoes in the trash and not stray from the Godly path. She and Devin insist the shoes are a sign from God for her to dance again. Camille goes to Spain with the help of her Spanish father, EDUARDO and reluctant Danish mother OLIVIA. In Seville, Camille's old flame, DIEGO, is in the dance company and Camille reveals to him that Devin is his son. As she struggles to win the role of a lifetime in the production, her old rivalry with Natalia is ignited. When Camille realizes that she is pregnant from her husband's rape, Lola suggests an abortion. A video of Camille and Diego dancing hits Facebook and Peter suspects that Camille and Diego are reunited. He files for divorce, launching a nasty custody case in a desperate attempt to force her home. Camille fights the legal attack from Spain. But when her kids cry out to her on account of Peter's bizarre and abusive behavior, Camille sets out to go back home immediately in a panic. An incident at airport security involving the red shoes causes trouble and a miscarriage ensues landing Camille in a hospital. Camille awakens to her parents and kids at her bedside and learns how they got temporary custody in court based on Lucy's video and other secrets that came out about Peter. Peter, publicly disgraced, has only revenge left and he shows up unexpectedly startling Camille backstage at the premier. He is kicked out. But later he crashes the celebration with a peace offering, only he attempts to take Camille off the rooftop with him. The lady wins and Peter the symbol of patriarchy and toxic masculinity takes a fall into a trash truck passing by below.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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