
Ekhoni (1970)

Not Rated (US) | India | Bengali | 96 min
Directed by: Tapan Sinha

Ekhonee depicts the lives and frustrations of a bunch of youth struggling to cope with the adversities of a bureaucratic society. There's a bunch of college students Arun, Tiklu, Shambhu, Biman, Sujit, Urmi whose lives undergo a change after the carefree days of college are over. Arun, Tiklu, Shambhu, Biman and Sujit struggle to get a job. Sujit is the lucky one who gets a good job through his girlfriend's reference and also gets an opportunity to go abroad. Arun struggles for a job and loses his mother to cancer. Tiklu has to join his father's garage when he fails to get a job. Biman is forced to marry his girlfriend and is trapped in marriage. Shambhu leaves with Atin a comrade to work for the farmers. Urmi becomes pregnant with her fiancée's child but he leaves her and goes abroad. Arun who was her closest friend discloses his love for her and marries her. Their lives lead them to an unknown future.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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