Il crimine non va in pensione_peliplat
Il crimine non va in pensione_peliplat

Il crimine non va in pensione (2017)

T (IT) | Italy | Italian | 95 min
Directed by: Fabio Fulco

Days flow calmly in the senior center "La Serenissima". Suddenly a news upsets the peaceful atmosphere that usually surrounds the entire center. Edda, a beautiful lady around 73, is in the hospital because of a huge stress caused by the loss of her savings in an illegal bet. As they go to visit her, she confess her friends from the senior center her daughter's financial difficulties and how she tried to help her with good winnings. All the guests return to the center very displeased. They really want to help their friend, but they can't afford it. Then Ersilia have a great idea "let's rob the Bingo!". A male nurse of the senior center, "Sasà", who is a former scoundrel, but big-hearted, will support them in this incredible adventure. Suddenly in the bingo hall an alarm rings and everything seems to be lost. But is it really the end?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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