Le Voyageur_peliplat
Le Voyageur_peliplat
Play trailer

Le Voyageur (2016)

16 (CH) | Switzerland, Bulgaria | French | 85 min
Directed by: Timo von Gunten

Triggered by the mysterious phenomena of the Voyageur spacecraft returning to Earth, Virginia discovers her deceased father on a night train. With him she undertakes a metaphysical journey through the land of Bulgaria, revealing an event in the past where her greatest grief had always been ignored. Virginia is confronted with the awakened corpse of her father in a dramatic and playful manner, bringing back the themes of transience, eternity and loss. As her father regains joy feeling alive, he conducts a musical masterpiece recorded on the Voyager's golden record, recreating for Virginia the bridge between life and death.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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