Maryellen and the Brightest Star_peliplat
Maryellen and the Brightest Star_peliplat

Maryellen and the Brightest Star (2015)

G (US) | USA | English | 16 min
Directed by: Maya E. Rudolph

When stargazer Maryellen learns that a rocket scientist will visit her classroom and be introduced by the student who writes the best essay on "The Wonder of Space," she can't wait to enter the contest--even after a classmate's disparaging remark that girls and outer space don't mix. To really make a splash, Maryellen forgoes the essay and draws a comic book about a fearless adventurer,"Astro Girl." But will her daring comic earn her a place in the stars?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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