Bollywood Diaries_peliplat
Bollywood Diaries_peliplat

Bollywood Diaries (2016)

PG (SG) | India | Hindi | 123 min
Directed by: K.D. Satyam

Bollywood Diaries is a tribute to passionate aspiring actors. It chronicles the journey of three unrelated souls, who dream to make it big in Bollywood. The plot encompasses a guy working at a call-center in Delhi, a middle-aged government servant from Bhilai and a prostitute from Sonagachi Kolkata. With their sheer passion and perseverance, they bend over backwards to carve their name in Bollywood. Abiding by the saying, "Live your dream", they go beyond their conventional life. But, will their efforts lead them to their ultimate goal?

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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