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Directed by: Brian Eric Johnson
This title has not premiered yet

This horror/thriller tells the story of a fairly typical, middle-class family. Eric, the patriarch, is a hard-nosed, high school football coach struggling with the rigors of home and career. His coming-of-age teenagers, Tobin and Zoe, challenge him constantly as they deal with the angst of puberty. His wife Lauren, a part-time realtor, has her hands full home-schooling their autistic son, Justin. Life is tough, but it's good... until their run-in with the neighbors. The Bickfords, Jason twenty, and Garret eighteen, are the "bad seeds" of the block. Whether it's dealing drugs or handing out beatings, the brothers are always at the center. Their sidekick, Ackerman, a mid-twenties biker, creates a fearsome threesome. Only their younger brother, known lovingly as Booger, has a semblance of a normal social life. He and Tobin are good friends, to the chagrin of both families. A minor accident and a strange coincidence culminate in events that alter the lives of both families forever.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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