Before Crisis_peliplat
Before Crisis_peliplat

Before Crisis

None | India | Hindi | 111 min
Directed by: Mihir Kumar Sharma
This title has not premiered yet

India is a developing country with rich values but many social barriers. The youths here are upgrading their thoughts to flourish the society in all aspects.They are bravely facing the difficulties,resistance and outcomes of those alterations. "Before Crisis" is a mirror reflection of the developing Indian society. "Before Crisis" portrays the suffering of few lives strongly discriminated on some baseless grounds.It portrays the fight for the optimistic change of the notion of the Indian society against discrimination on the ground of health condition,race,caste,gender,place of birth and social status."Before Crisis" is a perfect blend of friendship, romance, love, betrayals, discrimination and breakdowns and finally portrays a new ,idealist and developed picture of the society.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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