Antes que cante el gallo_peliplat
Antes que cante el gallo_peliplat
Play trailer

Antes que cante el gallo (2016)

M18 (SG) | Puerto Rico | Spanish | 98 min
Directed by: Ari Maniel Cruz

Teenager Carmín's dream of moving to the city with her mother Doris vanishes when she moves to the US with her new husband. Now she grows and lives in Barranquitas, a mountainous village in the center of Puerto Rico, with her grandmother, a tough and conservative woman. The arrival of her father Rubén after long years in prison eases her profound sadness. The relationship with him, however, brings its own ambiguousness and complexities. Now she must learn to live between abandonment and carefulness; amidst absence, desire and love.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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