Spiknutí: Conspiracy_peliplat
Spiknutí: Conspiracy_peliplat

Spiknutí: Conspiracy (2016)

None | Czech Republic | Czech | 15 min
Directed by: Alexander Baldreich

Adam Fisher is a former agent of the secret organization "Cell Force". He is an expert of the Israeli combat hand-to-hand system Krav Maga. He does his work primarily alone, as well as the current investigation, the death of his daughter, Laura Fisher. Collected information leads us into an unknown town. One fine evening, when A. Fisher is sitting in a café, he is contacted by his good old friend Kim, whom he already knows from the organization, where she worked with A. Fisher. More or less, A. Fisher decides to cooperate with Kim. All alone he disposed a gang led by Andrei Gramkos, which he also quizzes. He gets from him that his daughter had killed Jack Kobin, who is currently located in the city castle. Without further ado A. Fisher, is also going there. Shortly after his arrival are heads falling. From the garden he easily gets into the inner part of the castle. Guards, which are located inside are disposed of and he retains the target - Jack Kobin. The only information that A. Fisher gets from him is that he got a photo and should find an appropriate corps for it. The interrogation ends because at that moment rushes a special unit into the room which catches A. Fisher. Adam Fisher wakes up tied to a chair in one unknown room. Opposite stands Kobin and a little farther surprisingly Kim who stands after a minute alone with one guard and Fisher, with the help of the guard she should first hear out Fisher and then get rid of him. But this will never happen. Fisher is liberated and learns that Kim plays a dual role, and his daughter is not dead. Before his death Ethan Lambert, Fisher's good friend and former commander of the unit, had to take care that nothing would happen to her, in case that his daughter had become a target, how to disarm A. Fisher. His daughter Laura is according to the information saved, but that is not enough for A. Fisher and because Kim doesn't want to help him, he decides to find her alone.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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