Hridoy Theke Hridoy_peliplat
Hridoy Theke Hridoy_peliplat

Hridoy Theke Hridoy (1994)

None | Bangladesh | Bengali, English | 146 min
Directed by: Shahadat Khan

Baker Chowdhury comes to a village to collect folk music and happens to fall in love with Amena, daughter of folk singer Fokir Ali. But his older brother doesn't accept it and sends him to an institution. Meanwhile, Amena leaves the village with child and takes shelter in a taxi driver's home. Amena's son Joy's song attracts Natasha and she becomes determined to learn music. These two young hearts get separated as Joy has a fight with Natasha's brother Shahin. After several years, they are reunited at college. By this time Joy has become a prominent singer with help from Monisha, who secretly loves him. Will Joy choose Monisha or Natasha?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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