Ola Bola_peliplat
Ola Bola_peliplat
Play trailer

Ola Bola (2016)

U (MY) | Malaysia | English, Chinese, Tamil, Malay | 113 min
Directed by: Keng Guan Chiu

It is a story set in the 1980s during tumultuous economic times, about an unlikely team of footballers whose disagreements have left them with a streak of embarrassing losses. Personal issues have caused each of them to crack under pressure while the team slowly falls apart. They have only one chance left for international glory, and this multicultural team has to find it in their hearts to overcome their individual odds and unite for the sake of an entire country. But unknown to them, their greatest test is yet to come, one that will make or break their fighting spirit and the nation's hopes and aspirations.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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