
Joker (2016)

Not Rated (US) | India | Tamil | 130 min
Directed by: Raju Murugan, Raju Saravanan

Joker is a political satire which criticises the present political absurdities. Mannar Mannan (Protagonist), a rural villager, who declares himself as President of India, always protests Government for all the absurdities happening around his village. Most of the time he is seen as a Joker. He's trailed at court for his various continuous acts. There comes his past, where he loves a beautiful girl from his nearby village. The girl is willing to marry him only if he could build a toilet at his home. Government announces a toilet scheme through which all the villagers will get toilets at their homes throughout India. President plans to visit a village and he chose protagonist's village. What happens when the President comes? Do they get married? Do they get a toilet built at their home? did they get married? At the end, the audiences are questioned for their involvement in opposing absurdities (who's the real Jokers).

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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