Fantasy Man_peliplat
Fantasy Man_peliplat

Fantasy Man (2017)

None | USA | English | 92 min
Directed by: Gary Waksman

FRANKIE WINGLES loves sports, but due an anger management disorder, he had been deemed 'too aggressive to play'. While delegated to the sidelines and serving as a stat boy, Frankie amassed a unique skill for analyzing sports stats. Now, as an adult, Frankie turned decades of number crunching into fantasy sports stardom, yet he still yearns for the real thing - to have the thunderous crowd cheering for him. He works as a concession vendor for the Chicago White Sox, who's owner - frail, but fiery, TEX WILHEID - is tired of playing second fiddle to the Cubs and is desperate to make one final attempt at becoming Chicago's most talked about team. In a move designed to turn the baseball world on its head, Tex appoints Frankie as his new GM, infuriating his worm-like son/ heir apparent, BRENT and intriguing his promiscuous daughter, KIMMIE. Frankie accepts the offer under the rules of fantasy sports: he only gets paid if the White Sox make the playoffs. Now, as players revolt against him, Brent thwarts his every move, and Kimmie tries to split him from his wife and newborn baby, Frankie may not be able to handle the pressure - and unleashing the rage disorder that sidelined him his whole life just might be the key to his success...and exactly what Tex needs to inspire the city of Chicago.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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