A Tale About a Soldier_peliplat
A Tale About a Soldier_peliplat

A Tale About a Soldier (1948)

None | Soviet Union | Russian | 20 min
Directed by: Valentina Brumberg, Zinaida Brumberg, Mikhail Yanshin

The serving soldier gave his poor lunch to a beggar who asked for alms. For this, the old man presented a magical bag in which you can hold what you want. In the Far Far Away Kingdom, with the help of soldiers' wit, the servant tied up the evil forces that had taken power in the royal palace. But the greedy king did not want to give the promised half of the kingdom and released the captives to freedom. The soldier had to drive the werewolves back into captivity again.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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