Djinn Joint_peliplat
Djinn Joint_peliplat

Djinn Joint (2016)

None | USA | English | 13 min
Directed by: Jeanne Corcoran

The Djinn Joint bar and restaurant is a charming place, in some very literal as well as figurative ways - The proprietress Estelle and her son Shay serve enchanting food and beverages, as well as live entertainment through Shay's talents. They've been safe and happy in this one place for several years now, after more than a decade of running from the mother's "past" and the people trying to find her. Unfortunately, 'hiding in plain sight' goes terribly wrong when Estelle -- who fled human captivity as a pregnant teenager trapped by an evil overlord of a magical species -- is caught by mercenaries with her now teenage son, Shay. He is completely unaware of his species AND that he's the sole male heir to the King of the Djinn Nation, but Shay will soon know everything - Including his own extraordinary powers that will emerge on his eighteenth birthday. Can he save his mother from a return to enslavement and escape his Father's dominance and power? Can he live with his own changing reality and what he himself is becoming?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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