Easy Man_peliplat
Easy Man_peliplat

Easy Man (2016)

AL (NL) | Netherlands | Dutch, English | 46 min
Directed by: Jasper Cremers, Dennis de Groot, Niels Nieuborg

"Easy Man: The Story of Ronald Snijders, His Music and The Nelson&Djosa Sessions", explores the career of Surinamese musician and composer Ronald Snijders. With more than twenty self-released albums, his unique sound and style made him the figurehead of the 'kaseko jazz' genre in the 1970's. Despite being difficult to find, his music remains popular and in demand amongst DJ's and record collectors worldwide. "Easy Man" offers a deeper look into Ronald Snijders' music and history, using both archival footage and interviews with friends, band members, admirers and of course the man himself.

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