Various shootouts throughout
A man is shot with a cattle-gun. It is implied he was dismembered and found in someones suitcase. (We do not see this.)
A man is hit with an iron, his head is shown bleeding but he is alive. (We hear later that he dies.)
A woman has her throat slit (Neither the wound, nor the knife was ever shown.)
A criminal is being chased, and accidentally shoots a random person. We do not see this person get shot. (We hear later that they lived.)
A man is shot and the people who find him later think he killed himself. (Not graphic)
A man is thrown and lands on the roof of a car.
Some boxing violence.
A couple of intense fist-fights.
It's implied that a man was buried alive.
A man is accidentally cut with a comb, some mild blood visible.
A man is shot once in the chest, the villain shoots the corpse several times after, but all we hear are gunshots, we never see the corpse.
At the beginning, mobsters put a gun to the throat of an unconscious man and shoot him through the head on-screen. Blood spatters on the wall behind.