Haiti Orphans: One Year After the Earthquake_peliplat
Haiti Orphans: One Year After the Earthquake_peliplat

Haiti Orphans: One Year After the Earthquake (2011)

None | Canada | English |
Directed by: Jacqueline Corkery

It's a story of good intentions colliding with different agendas. Thousands of children were left orphaned or abandoned. Their plight opened a floodgate of adoptions.Planeloads of children landed in North America and Europe, some without proper screening or documentation. Our documentary looks at the opposing sides in this dilemma. We follow a Heartland Alliance family reunification team as it struggles to find any living relatives of the children in their care. Meanwhile, many desperate mothers are actually giving up their children with the hopes that they will be adopted internationally. Already prior to the earthquake, an estimated 1 in 10 Haitian children were either orphaned or abandoned. In the end, our documentary will show that there is no easy solution to the plight of Haiti's orphans, no right and wrong, only differing approaches that sometimes clash. And the children are at the centre of the storm.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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