Monkey King_peliplat
Monkey King_peliplat

Monkey King (2016)

16 (DE) | Germany, Switzerland | German, English | 98 min
Directed by: Oliver Rihs

For his 45th birthday, the wacky bon vivant Wolfi invites his three school friends Viktor, Ralph and Martin to a luxury villa in the south of France after 20 years. Viktor arrives with his open-hearted, heavily pregnant wife Sima. Ralph has his staid wife Ruth and her goth daughter Greta in tow, and Martin has his allegedly heart-sick son Knut. A strange and colorful group that revives an old friendship between excessive parties, marital crises and financial problems. But it soon becomes clear that Wolfi has an old score to settle with his friends .

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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