Billy Yeager the Ineffable Enigma_peliplat
Billy Yeager the Ineffable Enigma_peliplat

Billy Yeager the Ineffable Enigma (2016)

None | USA | English | 102 min
Directed by: Damon Blalack, Chris Von Weinberg

Collectors from all over the world search for the lost recordings of Billy Yeager. He threw away over 1400 recorded songs in 2001 and now his record albums, handmade CDs and cassette tapes sell for some of the highest prices listed on online auctions. The extremely rare "Jaco Pastorius / Billy Yeager" recordings are also highly sought after, but if it can't change the world, the artist wants no part of it. Yeager is not interested in money and fame; the filmmakers find him in the desert.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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