The Invisibles_peliplat
The Invisibles_peliplat

The Invisibles (2017)

15 (GB) | Poland | Polish | 101 min
Directed by: Pawel Sala

A full of humor and grotesque story of one work-day of three women working in a dark sewing workshop located in the basement of an old apartment building. Seamstresses of different ages look at the world differently. Each of them hides some dark secret. The Cutter, a man who graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, works with them, and there is a mysterious stranger - Maria the Miracle-Worker, who claims to give the "seven keys of happiness". This time she decides to help the lower strata of society. The catalyst for the disclosure of women's secrets is a wet spot on a moldy wall, which increases during the day and takes on increasingly alarming forms. Other tragic secrets hide garbage in the yard and the floor in the sewing workshop, from under which you can hear human moans, cries and screams that make their way through the noise of sewing machines .

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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