Sommar och en jävla massa trubbel_peliplat
Sommar och en jävla massa trubbel_peliplat

Sommar och en jävla massa trubbel (2016)

None | Sweden | Swedish | 57 min
Directed by: Magnus G. Bergström

Sara falls in love with everything that moves with a pulse. She gives her heart to guys on toll too quickly. She is a hopeless romantic who believes that every new guy is "the right one". It only results in her being heartbroken every time. Eventually, her friends take her out into the archipelago on a summer camp. There she gets to work in the kitchen where she meets Lisbet and another new love, the janitor's son. Sara's time on at the camp makes her stronger and happier. It all seems to go well until the new owner of the facility comes and will fire everyone and rebuild it to a rich man's resort. It all gets worse when an ex boyfriend of the worst kind is the son of new owner.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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