The Manhattan Front_peliplat
The Manhattan Front_peliplat
Play trailer

The Manhattan Front (2018)

None | USA | Spanish, English | 85 min
Directed by: Cathy Lee Crane

In this fantastical film, a young girl conjures its story from the lines of a chalk circle. Once upon a time, in 1915, a German saboteur arrived to Manhattan to interrupt the export of American munitions to Britain. He soon found a collaborator in a wayward stevedore who unwittingly led him to a group of labor anarchists. Sabotage soon turned these bedfellows into agents of the other's tragic end. How America entered World War 1 playfully plays out through archival images and the theatrical rendition of lives as they might have been lived.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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