Tailing Pond_peliplat
Tailing Pond_peliplat

Tailing Pond (2019)

None | USA, India | English, Hindi | 52 min
Directed by: Saurav Vishnu

To assert itself as a global power, India developed a nuclear weapons program after independence in 1947. To fuel the controversial program, the government created the Uranium Corporation of India's to mine the extensive uranium resources in Jadugora, in Eastern India, ancient home to many of the nation's tribal people. A new film, TAILING POND, explores the awful price paid by the villagers of Jadugora for the success of India's nuclear program and the responsibility of the Uranium Corporation of India (UCIL) for the man made plague that afflicts them. It's a responsibility that the Indian government steadfastly refuses to acknowledge.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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