The Night of the Two Moons_peliplat
The Night of the Two Moons_peliplat
Play trailer

The Night of the Two Moons (2018)

TV-MA (US) | Venezuela, Spain | Spanish | 110 min
Directed by: Miguel Ferrari

When Federica Marín is three months pregnant, she discovers that the baby in her womb does not have her DNA, so it is not hers. She decides to go to the clinic to find out what happened to her embryo, and she discovers that her true embryo has been exchanged with that of another couple. But when she finds out that the other woman has had an abortion, the biological parents of Federica's son do everything they can to get her real son back, which puts Federica in a very difficult position.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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