Epiphany V_peliplat
Epiphany V_peliplat

Epiphany V (2017)

None | USA | 8 min
Directed by: Kevin Newbury

EPIPHANY V is a dialogue-free, music-driven, operatic short film. A Young Man sits next to his mother's hospice bedside. When Death comes for her, the Young Man follows them as the hospice transforms into a forest, a lake and, ultimately, a moonlit dance floor. Death reveals himself to be a gorgeous man in a tuxedo and challenges the Young Man to dance for his Mom's life. Death and the Young Man dance and begin to fall in love, but as Death invites him to stay, the Young Man runs back to his Mother's side. Death decides to let her live.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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