The Demented_peliplat
The Demented_peliplat

The Demented (2021)

R (CA) | Canada | English | 96 min
Directed by: Nigel Hartwell

For one female entity time stands still, while for another time travels back and forth between the plains of the supernatural and the earthly horrors of exploitation and murder. Under the guise of true love, Senica leads countless women down a dangerous path of no return. Guided only by the loyalty of Amanda and the sancity of sisterhood. This story attempts to raise awareness as it runs the full spectrum of the human condition and exposes the sometimes dark pathology of today's Social Media. Although ficticious, this movie depicts the cruel reality of the number of women who go missing every year out of the sexual trade practice.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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